expedition life

Learning about expeditions the fun way

There is an element of expedition planning that needs to be done, but there comes a point when there are things you will never know unless you actually do it. And then of course there are the random events that make expeditions such fun that they make up the tapestry of surviving as a self sufficient unit....

expedition life

Make your own Camel Trophy

The Camel Trophy undoubtedly conjures attractive images of adventure and exploration using Land Rovers in the way they were built to be used, and these days I reckon there is still a market for these events. So what can you do? Make your own!...

expedition life

Which expeditioner are you?

The word "expedition" conjures up different images in peoples' heads. Therefore what is considered to be an "expedition" can be extremely wide ranging. So too can the decisions people make about what vehicle they want to use on their expedition. We've put together a survey to see just what people are thinking and what is considered to be a good vehicle for adventure....